Thursday, September 29, 2011

Latest and Greatest Collapse Story

No, this is not a repeat of 2007, 2008 and 2009 for the New York Mets. In fact, they weren't even involved. The latest and greatest collapse of the season belongs, not to just one team, but to two teams. The Boston red Sox and Atlanta Braves completed one of the biggest collapses in sports history. The Boston Red Sox, in the beginning of September, were ahead of the Rays by nine games... NINE!!! Then they went 7-20 this month. They blew their lead and not only lost hold of the division title, but also the AL Wild Card title. The Atlanta Braves were no better. At the start of September the Braves were 8.5 games ahead of the Cardinals. They likewise blew it. Some are calling these historical collapses the greatest in the history of the sport. Hopefully the Mets can now have their past forgotten and filled with another team's demise. Who would've thought that the Wild Card race could become so exciting. This may be a tall-tale sign of what is to come in the play-offs. Both the Rays and Cardinals deserve to be in the Play-Offs. They worked hard to get here. This post-season will certainly be an exciting one and one that many should watch.

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